Monday, May 11, 2009

Porch plants II

Here is part II, before I narrate, I will add one more photo.

All right, we begin with the saladball on the newel post. If you are so inclined, click on it and you will see 3 seedlings on top which should fill this thing out completely. That's 2 nasturtiums and one cypress vine.Next is my earthbox, a selfwatering container which I have planted with guaranitica salvia and some other blue flowers. This is my attempt to spoil the hummingbirds. The yellow butterfly in the middle is for the fungus gnats which I hope to eradicate soon via multiple means. It's one of those sticky things.
This dragonwing begonia should grow very quickly. So far it's not much to look at.
I have a lot of plants that still do not have a home. this is their staging area.
But on the other side, I have things pretty much set up. Got a mint pot, bay laurel, rosemary and sweet red pepper.
So that's some of my porch plants. Now I must edit my 1st porch post.
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