Monday, February 23, 2009

Just checking in.

OK, It's been a while but there really hasn't been much happening and I am just itching for it to finally really warm up and be spring.

I find this neck of the woods is kinda irritating in winter because Pittsburgh never gets a solid freeze or thaw, it just keeps bouncing back and forth til the spring.

I've lived as far north as Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and before that other midwestern states north of here and they all have a good winter. I'd say that fall is the most beautiful season here, so here I am annoyed by winter.

I promise I will try to get myself back into the habit of posting here twice a week.

I think I should talk about my 'lazyman bokashi' experiment. I think it's working but can't vouch for it yet.

Yeah, that's a good winter topic. Will check in hopefully soon with more info including photos.

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